
Jack Conolly is from Troy, MI. We spoke with him about God and his girlfriend. 

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Even before this, I was sitting in here just minding my own business and just praying that God would have an interaction that’s like worthy of something...and then you approached me.

inspires you: That’s a good one. Starting out deep. Who inspires me? Well, honestly, my friends. My friends inspire me and inspire my actions. Where I'm going to be, what I’m going to do. A little bit. I want to be around quality people who have quality friendships. Like community, real community. That’s what I want to be around. So, in that aspect, my friends inspire me.
anyone in particular: My girlfriend, she’s pretty inspiring. She’s really selfless, and serving, and the kindest woman I’ve ever met. And, the most gentle. And, just the most selfless woman I’ve ever met. So, she’s pretty inspiring. Aside from that, the main inspiration in my life is Jesus.

superpower: Praying. I’d say, that’s about it.

biggest priority: Sorry if this isn’t a Christian blog, but my biggest priority is to serve Jesus. That’s it. He kind of wants what’s best for us in life, so the things He says and wants us to do, is for our own benefit and for the benefit of others. So, I find that when I’m actually talking with God and hearing what He wants me to do it ends up being something amazing that I can’t explain except for God told me to do this, and I did it, and it turned out absolutely amazing for both parties. Like whoever it was. Even before this, I was sitting in here just minding my own business and just praying that God would have an interaction that’s like worthy of something. Because I really like interacting with people and having real community and real conversations and then you approached me. So, call it a coincidence, but that’s what I prayed earlier.

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